The Basic Search Information portion contains the following fields: (Except for Facility, all these fields are optional).
Patient | To search by patient, type the patient's name (last,
first) and click Search. When necessary, use a wild card to search
for a patient. Avoid using middle initials.
For instance, to search for someone named Smith, James enter the patient's name as Smith, J*. Typing Smith, J will only search for Smith and no first initial. (The same patient may be represented by one or more names depending on how the information was originally entered into the database. For this reason, you may need to perform multiple searches and check the reports associated with each search to access the right report). Typing the patient's name and pressing Enter will not generate a search you must press the Search button. |
Receiving Caregiver | The list contains the available recipients within the
chosen Facility.
The user has the ability to type a partial name in order to select a name in the list. |
Report Type | Use this field to specify the type of reports you wish to retrieve. The default is all report types. |
Priority | Value can be either "High" or blank. |
Report Dates | The Report Date is the date when the report was generated.
Enter dates as mm/dd/ccyy. For example: 08/30/2002. The Report Date From field defaults to a 7-day search. This date may be changed to the date you need. Use the calendar function to select a date by clicking
the icon next to the date field |
Viewed | If a report has been viewed by the user it is flagged as "viewed" from then on. Yes indicates report has been viewed and No indicates the report has not been viewed. |
Printed | If a report has been printed by the user it is flagged as "printed" from then on. Yes indicates report has been printed and No indicates the report has not been printed. |
The Advanced Search Information portion contains the following fields: (All these fields are optional).
Order Number | An Order Number is an identifier that is unique to a Facility/Sponsor combination. This number may be generated automatically by Clinician or may be entered manually by the user. |
Ordering Client | This is the physician or facility who submitted the requisition. |
Report Status | Users are able to search by Report Status if a status has been provided for the report. |
Forwarded | This box is only available from the Facility Detailed Search screen. Checking this box means to include only those reports forwarded to you from another facility using Clinician. |
Abnormal | Normalcy is commonly associated with lab orders and results. A laboratory may choose to indicate that a report contains a result value that is Abnormal. |
Service Date (From - To) | Users are able to search for reports based on the Date of Service/Collection date if such a date is provided for the report. This may represent the date that a specimen was drawn or a x-ray was taken. |
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