Rx Preference List

The Rx Preference List Management screen is used to maintain lists of frequently used drugs.

Rx Preference List Management

Users are able to create new prescription preferences at the Facility or Physician level.

To Create a Facility Prescription Preference

Follow these steps to create a new facility prescription preference:

  1. Select a Facility from the drop-down list.

  2. Click the Create New Rx button to add a preferred prescription to the list. The newly created preference appears listed on the Facility and Physician Preference Lists.

To Create a Physician Prescription Preference

Follow these steps to create a new physician prescription preference:

  1. Select a Physician from the drop-down list.

  2. Click the Create New Rx button to add a preferred prescription to the list. The newly created preference appears listed on the Physician Preference List.

The following table describes the contents of  Rx Preference List Management screen:

Button / Field



This field contains a list of all the facilities associated with the user.

Create New Rx

This button invokes the Create New Rx Preference screen.

Facility Preference List

This is the Rx preference list for the current facility.


Clicking this button invokes the Rx Preference screen, allowing the user to modify the Rx preference settings for the selected item.

Delete Selected Facility List(s)

This button deletes all the selected prescriptions from the Facility Preference List.

Physician  Preference List

This is the Rx preference list for the physicians associated with the current facility.


This field contains a list of all the physicians associated with the current facility.


Clicking this button invokes the Rx Preference screen, allowing the user to modify the Rx preference settings for the selected item.

Delete Selected Physician List(s)

This button deletes all the selected prescriptions from the Physician Preference List.

Copy Selected Items to Physician

This button copies the selected items to another physician in the facility.

For more information see:

Create New Rx Preference

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