To Create a New Prescription

The first step to create a new prescription is to locate an existing patient record or create a new patient record.  

When a user selects New Rx from the main menu the Patient Lookup screen appears:

To Search for a Patient
  1. Enter the patient's Last Name or Last and First name and click Search. (Clinician supports the use of wild card characters such as, %, *). A list of patient records matching your search criteria appears. (Patient names are hyper-linked, allowing the user to access the patient's demographic data).

  2. If no patients are found expand your search criteria or click New Patient to create new patient record.   

  3. Click the Select button next to the patient's name.  The Benefit Plans screen displays.

To Create a New Patient
  1. If you can't locate the patient you're searching for or if you want to create a new patient record, click New Patient. The Patient Chart screen appears.  

  2. Enter all the required data for the new patient record. (Required fields are preceded by a blue dot). Click Save to save the data.

  3. Click the Continue to Rx Pad button, located at the top of the Patient Chart screen, to create a new prescription for the patient. The Benefit Plans screen displays.

  4. Select one of the benefit plans or click Select None.

  5. The Rx Pad screen appears, with the newly created patient selected.

For more information see:

Rx Pad

Patient Chart

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